The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian government initiative that provides support and services to people living with a disability. NDIS encompasses a broad range of services, including exercise physiology, which is essential for individuals with disabilities to improve their health and well-being. This article guides you through the process of accessing NDIS exercise physiology services.

Understanding NDIS Exercise Physiology

Exercise physiology under the NDIS aims to assist people with disabilities to achieve their fitness and health goals. This service is delivered by accredited exercise physiologists who specialize in creating tailored exercise programs for individuals with various disabilities, including musculoskeletal, neurological, and other conditions.

Steps to Avail NDIS Exercise Physiology

  1. Meet NDIS Eligibility Criteria: To access NDIS services, including exercise physiology, individuals must meet the eligibility criteria. This typically involves having a permanent disability that significantly impacts daily living. To check your eligibility and apply for NDIS support, visit the official NDIS website.

  2. NDIS Planning Meeting: Once deemed eligible, you will participate in a NDIS planning meeting. During this meeting, you will discuss your specific needs, goals, and preferences with a NDIS planner. It's crucial to clearly express your interest in exercise physiology services during this meeting.

  3. Develop a NDIS Plan: Based on the information shared in the planning meeting, a personalized NDIS plan is developed. This plan outlines the support and services you are entitled to, including exercise physiology.

  4. Choose a Registered Exercise Physiologist: Under the NDIS, exercise physiology services must be provided by registered and accredited exercise physiologists. It's essential to choose a qualified professional who specializes in working with people with disabilities. You can search for registered providers in the NDIS Provider Finder.

  5. Include Exercise Physiology in Your Plan: In your NDIS plan, make sure that exercise physiology services are included. Discuss the frequency and duration of the sessions and any specific goals you want to achieve through exercise.

  6. Review and Monitor Your Progress: As you start receiving exercise physiology services, regularly review your progress with your chosen exercise physiologist. Your NDIS plan can be adjusted based on your evolving needs and progress.

Benefits of NDIS Exercise Physiology

Availing exercise physiology services through the NDIS offers several advantages:

  • Personalized Approach: Exercise physiologists create tailored exercise programs to address your unique needs and goals.

  • Improved Health and Well-being: Regular exercise can lead to improved physical and mental health, enhanced mobility, and a better quality of life.

  • Access to Qualified Professionals: NDIS ensures that services are delivered by accredited exercise physiologists with expertise in working with individuals with disabilities.

  • Cost Coverage: The NDIS plan covers the cost of exercise physiology services, making them more accessible.


Accessing NDIS exercise physiology services can significantly contribute to enhancing the well-being and quality of life for individuals with disabilities. The key is to understand the NDIS process, meet eligibility criteria, and ensure that exercise physiology is included in your NDIS plan. By working with a qualified exercise physiologist, you can embark on a journey toward improved health and fitness tailored to your unique needs and goals.